Monday, April 28, 2008

A Year of Post

So if you happen to have us on your google reader or bloginess, then you are getting a whole years worth at once. Sorry about that. If you scroll down to the first new post you will see why I decided to update again. Maybe I will do this year in 2009.

Also I seem to have messed up my blog. Is it messed up for you? Can someone help?


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you're posting again!! I hope it inspires me to blog more. I think I'll copy your year in review idea... I am SO behind on blogging and I can hardly remember anything. So sad, isn't it?

Rebecca said...

I am glad someone checked it. I figured everyone had given up on me.

Unknown said...

:) I saw you on suzanne's comments and was like - does she even blog anymore!? you're on my google reader now. :)