Friday, December 22, 2006

Rylee's 3

Here are some pictures from Rylee's 3rd birthday. I can't believe that she is already 3. We had a Dora Fiesta theme. Complete with a Big Pinata. (if you know Dora then you have heard of the Big Pinata). She had a blast and is already talking about her next birthday.

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

1st Haircut

Ok so I now I have fallen of the face of the blogging world. But I just haven't felt like doing it lately. We have had a lot of things going on. But this milestone was too big not to post. Jacob got his first haircut. Yes before his sister has even had one. (we will be getting one next week)
I was trying to hold out to take him to a little barber shop but I couldn't stand it any longer and had to cut it myself. I think I did an ok job seeing as how the only hair I ever cut was a barbie doll and she got a buzz cut.



I got it a little short in the front. But he looks cute. You can see his face better. Posted by Picasa