Monday, November 28, 2005

Random Pictures

Here are a few pictures that I thought you might like.For some reason I am having a hard time getting the captions and the picture to go together but I bet you can figure it out.

Here is Rylee talking on the phone to Daddy. She is just Chillin with her leg proped up and her hand behind her head.
Rylee and Lydia. Isn't Lydia so sweet! Rylee loves her and always asks to hold her.
Rylee fell asleep on Daddy on Thanksgiving afternoon. Chad loved it! It has been a long time since she has done that.

Rylee and her favorite hat. She is such a girl, she love accesories and shoes. She always want to try them on.
Chad and his gator friend Scott made a wager. Whoever's team won out of UF and FSU the other person's child had to wear the winning uniform the following year.
So here is Rylee suffering for her dad's loss. She looks like she minds doesn't she? Unfortunately, she'll be wearing orange and blue again next year.

Chicken Little

We took Rylee to see Chicken Little In 3-D. We weren't sure how she would do. She loved it. She sat on Chad's lap the whole time with her big 3-D glasses on. She didn't say anything until the piece of the sky fell on Chicken Little's head then she said "uh-oh!" After the movie she kept saying "chicken little uh-oh head". Then she would ask me to pray for him. A couple of nights later Chad was out of town and I heard Rylee wake up about 4 am. I went in her room and she asked for her glasses. I was out of it so I just gave her a drink of water and went back to bed. About and hour later I heard her again. I went in there and again she asked for her glasses. So I gave her the 3-D glasses from the movie. She put them on and went back to sleep. She slept until morning. I guess she was dreaming about chicken little and needed her glasses.

Finally an update

Okay Okay I hear you.. So I haven't been faithful to update the blog. But life gets busy. So here goes. I will try to catch you up (even though I just saw all of the grandparents) on what has been going on.

Emilee and I took Anna Kate and Rylee to the zoo a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun. The weather was great and there were about 3 other people there. Most of the animals were out where we could see them well.

Rylee decided that she wanted to go down the big slide that you have to climb through a obstacle course to get to. She was too small to do it by herself. So I went with her. It was really a tight squeeze. I had to pull her through the whole thing. I about went into labor. When we got to the top she got scared to go down the slide. The only other way down was back through the obstacle course. So I made her go down the slide with me. She loved it and wanted to do it again so Emilee (with Rylee in the picture) took her the next time.

Rylee got mad at Anna Kate for looking at the lions. She said "No Anna Kate That's My Lion!" Who knew someone could be so selfish?

When we went to see the gorillas they put on a show. They were running and swinging and coming up to the glass. One came up and put it' s face to Rylee's while she had hers pressed to the glass. (I don't have a good picture of it). It was really neat.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Rylee Funnies

This morning when Rylee was eating breakfast she kept trying to give me some of her food. I had already eaten so I told her that my belly was full. If you know Rylee you know that she has never experienced this feeling before. So I tried to tell her that meant that I was all done and didn't have any more room for food. She told me "Pray", I wasn't sure what she wanted to pray for so I told her to pray. Then she bowed her head and closed her eyes and said, "Dear Lord, heal full belly Amen". Then she asked if I was all better and offered me some more food.

The other night I kept waking up thinking that I heard Rylee talking. Finally about 4:00 am Chad went into her room to check on her. She was sitting up in her bed reading her books. Chad tucked her back in and told her it was not time to wake up. She went back to sleep but who knows how long she had been awake. The next morning she was very tired.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Photo Shoot

I thought I would share some pictures from a recent photo shoot with our Favorive photographer
-Aunt Emilee-

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Trick or Treat

This is the first Halloween that Rylee was old enough to know what was going on. Well she still didn't know what was going on but she did enjoy it. We went to Kent and Allison's house to Trick or Treat down their neighborhood. Emilee, David and Anna Kate were there too. We didn't buy Rylee a costume but I had some that someone had given me and some dance costumes from when we were little. So I let Rylee Pick out her costume and this is what she chose.

She wanted to be a Prince-Prince (princes) and a Lion. But after we got over there we convinced her to put on the lion costume. After we knocked on the first door and they handed out candy, she was a pro. She was so excited. She had a great time with all of her cousins. Anna Kate and Lydia really looked like twins they were both pink bunnies. When she woke up this morning she was still talking about it.

Nana and Papa

Rylee had such a great time with Nana and Papa this weekend. She loves spending time with them. She didn't seem to be missing us too much but she was glad to see me when I picked her up. Having spent the whole weekend with little babies, I thought Rylee looked so old! Thanks again Dad and Linda!
I also thought I would include some pictures of our shopping trip this weekend.
People kept asking if Anna Kate and Lydia were twins. The babies proved they have the shopping gene. They were great even with few naps.