Thursday, July 13, 2006

Florida Trip Week 1

Here are pictures from the beach trip with my mom. We had a great time. And it went as well (or at least as well as it could with 6 kids six and under and no husbands)

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Pictures from Florida

Here are some pictures from week one of our time to Florida.

Jacob Chillin' in the pool.

This one is so sweet

Ok, so he is kind of a pretty boy.

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Some Funny things

I have been in Florida for the last 2 weeks. It was a lot of fun. We have some great pictures I will put on here later but for now I thought I would post some funny things Rylee has said Lately.

The bible talks about what comes out of your mouth is the overflow of the heart. I wonder if what comes out of your child's mouth is the over- overflow of your own heart?

Rylee Loves to spell her name. She walks around the house saying R-Y-L-E-E that's me! So one day she was spelling her name and I asked her if she remembered how to spell ZOO. (we had been there a few days before and she had learned how.) She spelled it, then I asked if she could spell cat. She thought for a minute then she said "No. Mommy I want to spell Target!"

Doctrine Debate
Kennedy and Rylee were riding together on the way to Florida. Allison was driving and they were in the back arguing as usual. Finally Allison said girls what are you arguing about? And Kennedy replied. Rylee says Jesus died but I say he is alive!

My Baby

Today Rylee kept asking me for her baby. So I handed her one of the fifty we have. She said no not that one my big girl baby. So wanting her to describe it I said what does she look like. And she relpied "She looks like her mommy" refering to herself.

Here is a picture Rylee drew in the sand by herself of her daddy.