Monday, October 31, 2005

Daddy's Home!

I was out of town for about 4 days in Maryland and Bec and Rylee were gone as well. They got back late last night and Rylee was fast asleep. I ran out to see my girls and after welcoming back Bec, I went to see Rylee in the back seat. I hugged her, kissed her numerous times, but she was not waking up for anything. I proceeded to take her upstairs and I put her down on her bed, hugged her and kissed her a bunch more. Finally, she barely opened her eyes, saw that it was me and loudly exclaimed, "Daddy's Home"! Her face lit up and she smiled really big. Needless to say, my heart was mush.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pumpkin Carving

I thought I would leave you with a few pictures of Rylee's first pumpkin carving experince.

Big girl bed

Well we finally did it. Last night was Rylee's first night in her big girl bed. She did great! I thought she would have a hard time since she is not a big fan of change. Earlier this week she stood at the top of the stairs crying please, please trying to convince Chad and I to bring her old furniture back in from the garage. She wasn't ready to give it up. But now after a couple of days of "Oh-no, What happen"? She seems to like her new room. So last night we made a big deal about her getting to sleep in her big girl bed. But it didn't seem like it was that big of a deal to her. She was more excited about getting her paci. (She also was a little excited about having a pillow.) Oh course we baby-stepped her into it. We put up a rail on one side and a row of pillows on the other. But she slept all night in there and this morning when I went on to get her she was sitting in her bed under the cover. She started clapping and saying "Yea!" when I came in. So maybe she thought it was a bigger deal that she made it in there the whole night. Well I will post some before and after pictures of her room as soon as I finish a few last details in there.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The stuff they say

Today Rylee was looking at a book we had gotten from Chick-fil-A. It was a book about Between the Lions (a TV show on PBS). She keep pointing to something on the back and repeating something over and over again. Finally I walked over there and looked at what she was pointing at. She was saying, "" I guess she has heard it on TV and remembered what the PBS symbol looked like.
Later on Rylee was playing with her "SugarBaby" (that is what she has named her doll) and her doll stroller. The stroller is cheap and it always falls over. So every time the doll fell out she would take it out hold it, kiss it and pray for it. I listened closely and realized that she was praying "please Lord thank you for the food".

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The color Pink

Rylee is getting pretty good at knowing her colors now. On a good day she can tell you most of them. The only trouble now is that she has become very picky. When she gets out of the bath she only wants to use a pink towel (to which a faded maroon one will have to work). When she and I sit at her little table Mommy's chair is pink and Rylee's is white and if you try to change it up then her world crumbles. She also has gotten very particular about what clothes she will wear. I have to tell her this is red like Elmo, or something else to convince her it is a good outfit. But yesterday she went a little far. When I was getting dressed she followed me into the closet and said "that one" pointing to a pink shirt. I said no mommy wants to wear this black one. "No black, pink", She kept saying. So I said ok I will wear the pink one. I went to put it on and she said "no me", And then Rylee proceeded to try to dress me. I had to remind her who the mommy is.

Rylee is also getting good at her shapes. She knows most of them. Though she still sometimes gets hexagon and octagon confused.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Playing Outside

Rylee love playing outside and now that it is a little cooler Mommy is enjoying it too. Here are some of her favorite things to do.

I think Rylee's favorite thing to do is get sticks from the neighbor's yard and bring them to Tiko. Yesterday she made about 20 trips. She did put one back though because she said it was dirty.

She says "Tiko stick here" then when he takes it she tells him to say "Thank You so much".

Rylee likes to pick us flowers. We just don't tell her they are really weeds.

"Mommy Flower!"

Rylee also likes to draw on the sidewalk. She likes for me to trace her body. She also likes for me to draw a picture of Daddy, Mommy, Rylee and Tiko.

Yesterday she chased Tiko around with a piece of chalk saying "Tiko color".

I guess she doesn't get it is hard for him to hold chalk without any thumbs

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Soddy Daisy-Ma

We went to see Daisy-Ma last week. Rylee and Anna Kate really enjoyed playing with her. Rylee got to ride on her lap when we went for a walk.


Rylee loves playing with her cousins. She talks about them all the time.

Nana, Nenneny, Lyila, And Anna Kates.

Monday, October 17, 2005


This is a post Rylee will kill us for later.....
I heard her this morning after I had gotten out of the shower. I went closer to her door to hear what she was saying. She kept saying Whew! Whew! Whew! So after a minute or so, I opened the door to find her standing up in her crib holding on the side with one arm, and then in her other hand was her dirty diaper, holding it out and saying, "Whew, shooey, nasty." I guess she had had enough :)

Friday, October 14, 2005

Obey Tiko

Yesterday morning I was reading the bible when Rylee woke up. So I finished reading while she was standing next to me. I asked her if she knew what it was. She responded "book", and I said yes it is the Bible. Then she said, "Bible say...obey...Mommy, Daddy, Tiko, pease ord" (pleases the Lord). I told her that the bible doesn't say you have to obey Tiko just Daddy and Mommy. (Col 3:20)

Learning Letters

Rylee is starting to learn her letters. When she sits on my lap at the computer she will say "R", and I will ask her where the R is and she will take my finger and say push as she pushes it down. She knows about 5 or 6 letters now. The funny thing is I haven't been teaching them to her. I guess all that Sesame Street is finally paying off.
She is also learning to spell her name. She doesn't always get it right but the other day she spelled the whole thing with out help. It is really cute to watch her do it because you can tell she is thinking really hard between each letter.
I thought I would add some pictures of Rylee being silly. This is after she fell face first in the mud. I have already cleaned her up some.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Learning to Share

We had Jackson and Austin Scholleart over the other day. As soon as Jackson walked in Rylee started saying "That's Mine!!!". This lasted most of the time they were over. I had to talk to Rylee many times and explain that Jackson was our guest and she needed to share. Later that afternoon I was using a permanent marker to address a package and Rylee kept trying to take it from me. I told her no this is mommy's. Her response to that was, "Mommy share!"

Rylee's World

Well the other day I was thinking of how Rylee is in a fun stage where she says something funny everyday. I didn't want to forget all those things so I thought I would make a blog of all the funny things Rylee does and says. We will see how well I keep up with it, but I thought I would give it a try.